Locations overview
Locations and location hierarchies represent functional
areas of an organization. Use locations to track movement of assets
from place to place. Locations typically are static areas while assets
might move to various locations. Write work orders and tickets for
locations and charge the costs either to the location or asset. Some
locations are virtual, rather than physical.
Types of locations
A location is defined as a place where assets are operated, are stored, or are repaired. Using systems of locations and specifying the location for assets on asset records provides the groundwork for gathering and tracking valuable information about the history of assets, including asset performance at specific sites, and as an asset is moved from location to location.
Managing systems
You can create hierarchical systems or network systems to organize your locations. Depending on your needs, you might have one or more systems. Regardless of how many systems you have, each site must have only one primary system.
General ledger account codes
If you track records and transactions with general ledger account codes, consider how you use general ledger accounts when you create location records and asset records and their hierarchies and systems.
Meters in locations
Adding meters to location records lets you enter meter readings and maintain historical records of meter readings against a location.
Update meter history rules
Use the Manage Meter Reading History action in the Locations application to view or to update historical meter readings. When you update a meter reading, the delta (change) readings for that meter that are more recent than the date on which you make the update are applied. Readings taken at a location might roll down to the assets in that location if those assets are set up to accept them. If you require an audit trail of original reading data before an update, use the Audit feature.
Status of locations
A location status is an internal value that the system uses with its business logic. Depending on your settings, you can change the status of child locations when you change a parent location.