Enabling automated linking

Automated linking is an option that must be enabled before any linking can occur. You enable automated linking whenever your business works with both assets and CIs, and you want to manage an asset and its associated CI together as a single IT resource.

About this task

Automated linking is done by the reconciliation task, CCILinkAssetsAndCIs. To enable automated linking, you make the task active in the Reconciliation Tasks application. Thereafter, assets and CIs will be automatically linked whenever the reconciliation task runs.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Open menu > Reconciliation > Reconciliation Tasks.
  2. Display and select the CCILinkAssetsAndCIs task.
  3. On the Reconciliation Task tab, expand the task, and in the Details section select a time interval for the Schedule field, if you did not schedule CCILinkAssetsAndCIs when you set it up previously.
    In the header section, Schedule field, click Set Schedule and set the time interval for processing the reconciliation task. Set the schedule to meet the needs of your business; for example, hourly.
  4. Check the Active box to activate the reconciliation task.
  5. Click Save.
    To check if the task is running and see the last time it ran, look at the time stamp in the Last Completion Date field..