Viewing purchase orders and requisitions associated with a license

Use the View Purchase Orders and Requisitions action to view a read-only list of purchase orders and requisitions associated with the currently displayed record.

Before you begin

Before you can view any purchase orders or requisitions related to the currently displayed record, the record must already be associated with one or more purchase orders or requisitions in the appropriate PO or PR application.

About this task

This task enables you to check whether the current license record has an open purchasing record, and if so, its status, the quantity ordered or being ordered, the quantity received (POs only), the unit cost, and more. This information can be used during the procurement process to verify and ensure that the required quantity has been requested.

Because you can only view purchase orders or requisitions from a displayed license record, the View Purchase Orders and Requisitions action is not available from the record list.

The steps for viewing purchase orders and requisitions associated with a license follow.


  1. Display the license record that you want to view purchase orders or requisitions for.
  2. Select the View Purchase Orders and Requisitions action. The View Purchase Orders and Requisitions window displays a list of purchase orders and a list of purchase requisitions associated with the current license record.
  3. Click OK to close the View Purchase Orders and Requisitions window.