Creating a purchase order

Use the Licenses application to create a purchase order (PO) for one or more specified licenses. When you create a purchase order from the Licenses application, license information is automatically added to the Purchase Order application.

Before you begin

Before starting this task, make sure that, in the Item Master application, an item master item exists for each software product that is associated with the license you want to order. (For a currently displayed license, associated products are listed on the License tab of the Licenses application.)

About this task

Typically, when you “purchase” a software product, you are also purchasing or subscribing to the legal right to use or access the product, either for a period of time or forever. That is, more than the product medium itself, you are actually buying a license for a particular version or release of the software. Without the license, the recipient is not entitled to install or use the product. To begin the procurement process, you can create a purchase requisition or a purchase order for the license, which you link to its associated software in the Item Master application by specifying the corresponding item master item for that software.

A purchase order (PO) is an authorized order from a purchasing agent or department to an internal supplier or external vendor. In this case, you are ordering a new license. If you cannot create a purchase order directly, you can instead create a purchase requisition to request the license and, subject to your business's procurement process, a purchase order (PO) can be created at a later time—for example, after the purchase is reviewed and approved. Some businesses might require a request for quotation (RFQ) prior to approval. Some businesses might allow the application to automatically create a purchase order based on a purchase requisition. Typically, a purchase requisition is not required for the creation of a purchase order.

The main purpose for creating a purchase order from the Licenses application is to add additional capacity to an existing license. That is, if you are working with a license and discover that you are using more capacity than what has been licensed, you can generate a purchase order directly from the Licenses application to bring the license entitlement into compliance. In this case the status of the currently displayed license would be Active, but a purchase order can be generated for a current license of any status except Canceled.

The steps for creating a purchase order follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Open Menu > Assets > Licenses.
  2. In the Licenses application, open the license that you want to create a purchase order from, or specify multiple licenses in the record list.
    (In the record list, to specify multiple licenses you must select the Select Records check box and then check one or more licenses that you want to create a purchase order for. In the record list, the purchase order is applied to all the selected licenses, on tabs the purchase order is applied to currently open license only.)
  3. Select the Create PO action.
  4. In the Create PO window, type a new purchase order number in the PO field or click Autonumber and let the application assign a purchase order number for you.
  5. Specify a description of the purchase order in the required Description field.
  6. Complete additional fields in the record heading section as needed.
    An asterisk (*) indicates a required field. (Note that the vendor name requested in the Vendor field refers to the company issuing the license, which is not necessarily the software manufacturer. Check your license agreement to be sure.)
  7. In the Software Lines section, select one or more related line items to be included in the purchase order.
    To select individual software line items, select the check box for each item you want. To select all software line items, select the Software Name check box.

    If you need to add software line items for selection, click Select Value on the Software Name field, go to the Software Catalog application, and in the Associated Items section create an activated Item Master item for the current software. Then you can use the new item in the Create PO window.

  8. For each software line item selected, specify the corresponding item master item in the Item field.
  9. In the Charge Values section, add the default charge values for each selected line item.
  10. Click OK.
    The purchase order is created with the selected line items, and you are returned to the previous tab.