Adding qualifications to labor

A qualification indicates a particular job skill or specialized training. A qualification is often indicated by a license or certificate, signifying proficiency in a skill. You list qualifications on a labor record to indicate that the worker has completed general or specific training.

Before you begin

You must create the qualification record in the Qualifications application. If the qualification requires a skill level, the laborer must have the matching skill level listed on the labor record.

About this task

You can associate any number of qualifications with an existing labor record in the Labor application. After you save the record, you cannot delete a qualification from the labor record. However, you can change the status of the qualification to inactive.


  1. In the Labor application, select the labor record with which you want to associate a qualification.
  2. Click the Qualifications tab.
  3. Click New Row.
  4. Specify the qualification and the year that the laborer first acquired competence in the qualification.
  5. Optional: Specify a value for the certificate number, and specify additional information about the certificate:
    1. Press Tab key and specify the validation date for the certificate.
    2. Specify the effective date of the certificate.
    3. Specify additional information about the certificate, such as the individual who validated the certificate requirements and the organization that issued the certificate.
  6. Save your changes.

What to do next

Some qualifications must be renewed periodically. You use the Extend/Renew Qualification function to renew an existing qualification for a labor record.