Viewing a CI topology for actual configuration items
When you are viewing a single actual configuration item (CI) in the Configuration Items application, you can use the Topology subtab to view a graphical representation of the CI and its relationships with other CIs.
The Topology subtab shows a main view, containing a graphical representation of the CI and its relationships with other CIs, and control areas. You can zoom in and out and perform other manipulations using the row of controls in the topology view.
The Overview pane contains a miniature view of the topology map. You can use it to control the larger view.
The Filter pane provides filters that you can use to control the following aspects of the topology graph:
In the topology view there are two radio buttons, that allow you to choose between two views of CIs in the topology:
- Breadth
- The number of levels of relationship to show in the view. The initial breadth and maximum breadth are contained in the system properties pmgui.citopology.depth and pmgui.citopology.init. An administrator can configure these system properties to change the initial and maximum breadth.
- Relationships
- The types of relationships to include in the view. The list shows all the relationship types that exist between nodes in the diagram. You can exclude relationship types if you want to see only certain types. The lines between nodes that do not have one of the relationships you have included are grayed out.
- Classifications
- The types of CIs to include in the view. The default is all types. You can choose to exclude some types if you do not want to see them. CIs of the excluded types are not displayed in the diagram.
- Each target CI node has a double border.
- Hover over a node to see the full name and description of the CI.
- A status icon is displayed for each node. Hover over the icon to see a text description of the status.
- Right-click a node and select CI information to open a dialog that shows more CI properties. The dialog also shows tasks that are scheduled to have an effect on this CI. For example, a scheduled task might have this CI as a target.
- If a CI node shows a Wrench icon, that CI is the target of a task that is in progress. To see the work items, choose the View Work Details action.
- If a CI shows an alert icon, one or more incidents have been opened that affect the CI. Hover over the icon to see more information.
- Hover over a link between two connected CI nodes to see the relationships that exist between the two connected CIs.