Viewing audit results
You use the CI Reconciliation Results application to view audit results and see any unauthorized changes to your environment. The system generates audit results when it executes a reconciliation task to compare one or more top-level authorized configuration items (CIs) with the corresponding actual CIs.
About this task
The system displays the following results in the CI Reconciliation Results
- Comparison results
- Data that results from comparing authorized CIs with the corresponding actual CIs.
The comparison results that the system displays in the CI Reconciliation Results application depend
on the parameter that you select in the Comparison Results field when you define a reconciliation task.
You can choose one of the following display options for comparison results:
- All results, including both successful and failed matches.
- Instances where the object and attribute of the authorized CI failed to match the actual CI.
- Instances where the object and attribute of the authorized CI successfully matched the actual CI.
- Link failures
- When the system processes a reconciliation task, it attempts to match each authorized CI object and attribute with the corresponding actual CI attribute. If the system finds a match, it displays the link result in the CI Link Results application. If the system does not find a match, or if it finds multiple matches, it displays link failures in the CI Reconciliation Results application. A link failure reflects a mismatch between the authorized CI and the corresponding actual CI, and so it might indicate an unauthorized change.
To view audit results, follow these steps: