CI audit process overview

While each organization can customize the audit process to meet its needs, there are some basic tasks that are usually included.

The audit process typically includes these tasks:
Create a request
In the Process Requests application, open a new request. Choose configuration for the type, then choose audit. Fill in the required information and click Submit.
Accept the request
Review the submitted request. If it is valid, and all necessary information is included, click Accept.
Define and Plan
Identify all the activities required to carry out the audit. Use the job plan assigned to the request. Ensure that all required data has been supplied and that all necessary approvals have been obtained.
Create a schedule for carrying out the audit. Inform all stakeholders. Create a new instance of the Reconciliation cron task.
Execute the audit within the scheduled time.
Process results
Use the CI Reconciliation Results application to review the results. Consolidate results into required reports. Investigate any variances found.
Act on variances
Diagnose the causes of variances and take action to correct them by updating authorized CIs or opening a problem or service request on actual CIs.
When all actions have been completed, delete any records that are no longer needed and mark the audit process Complete.