Creating offerings

The Offerings application allows service designers to create offerings, manage the lifecycle of an offering and its associated data, and the list of catalogs that include the offering.

You must create 3 offerings for the following actions:
  1. Create Offering to provision an Amazon EC2 instance
  2. Create Offering to start an Amazon EC2 instance
  3. Create Offering to stop an Amazon EC2 instance

Create Offering to provision Amazon EC2 instance

This section describes the steps on how to create an offering to provision an Amazon EC2 instance. For more details on creating an offering, refer Offering tab.

  1. Go to the Offerings application and click Insert an Offering on the left-hand side navigation panel.
  2. Fill in the fields such as Offering name, Offering description, Offering Type, Classification, and other necessary fields. For example:
    • Offering: Enter offering name, such as MIQ_VM_PROVISING.
    • Offering description: Enter offering description, such as ManageIQ_Provision Amazon EC2 Instance.
    • Classification: Select offering classification, such as IENSWD.
    • Offering Type: Select offering type, such as Service Request.
  3. Scroll down and add the workflow in the Service Request Processing section. For example, see the below approval workflow:
    Note: This is optional, you can add workflow as necessary.
    • Line Manager Approval: Select the Workflow as PMSC_LMD1:Line Manager Approval - Default
    • Fulfillment Manager Approval: Select the Workflow as PMSC_FMD1:Fulfillment Manager Approval - Default
    • Fulfillment Options: For the Fulfillment Options, select a Ticket Template with an SR class.
      Note: Make a note of the Ticket Template description, the same description will be used when you create an automation script in Creating automation script to create provision request for the AMAZON EC2 provider.
  4. Go to the Specifications and Presentation tab, under the Specifications table, add 3 attributes AWS AMI, FLAVOR, and VM_MEMORY that you created in Creating attributes.
    Note: Select the Default value for attributes AWS AMI and FLAVOR, you will get drop-down options for Default value based on the domains you created in Adding domains in Maximo IT. Also, specify the Default value for the VM_MEMORY attribute as applicable.
  5. Save the offering and change status to Active.

Create Offering to start Amazon EC2 instance

This section describes the steps on how to create Offering to start an Amazon EC2 instance. For more details on creating an offering, refer Offering tab.

  1. Go to the Offerings application and click Insert an Offering on the left-hand side navigation panel.
  2. Fill in the fields such as Offering name, Offering description, Offering Type, Classification, and other necessary fields. For example:
    • Offering: Enter offering name, such as MIQ_VM_START_INSTANCE.
    • Offering description: Enter offering description, such as ManageIQ_Start Amazon EC2 Instance.
    • Classification: Select offering classification, such as IENSWD.
    • Offering Type: Select offering type as Service Request.
  3. Scroll down and add the workflow in the Service Request Processing section. For example, see the below approval workflow:
    Note: This is optional, you can add workflow as necessary.
    • Line Manager Approval: Select the Workflow as PMSC_LMD1:Line Manager Approval - Default
    • Fulfillment Manager Approval: Select the Workflow as PMSC_FMD1:Fulfillment Manager Approval - Default
    • Fulfillment Options: For the Fulfillment Options, select a Ticket Template with an SR class.
      Note: Make a note of the Ticket Template description, the same description will be used when you create an automation script in Creating automation script to start instance of AMAZON EC2 provider.
  4. Go to the Specifications and Presentation tab, under the Specifications table, add attributes VM_NAME that you created in Creating attributes.
    Note: Specify the Default value for the VM_NAME attribute, for example, ICD_MQI_FREETier.
  5. Save the offering and change status to Active.

Create Offering to stop amazon EC2 instance

This section describes the steps on how to create an offering to stop the Amazon EC2 instance. For more details on creating an offering, refer Offering tab.

  1. Go to the Offerings application and click Insert an Offering on the left-hand side navigation panel.
  2. Fill in the fields such as Offering name, Offering description, Offering Type, Classification, and other necessary fields. For example:
    • Offering: Enter offering name, such as MIQ_VM_STOP_INSTANCE.
    • Offering description: Enter offering description, such as ManageIQ_Stop Amazon EC2 Instance.
    • Classification: Select offering classification, such as IENSWD.
    • Offering Type: Select offering type as Service Request.
  3. Scroll down and add the workflow in the Service Request Processing section. For example, see the below approval workflow:
    Note: This is optional, you can add workflow as necessary.
    • Line Manager Approval: Select the Workflow as PMSC_LMD1:Line Manager Approval - Default
    • Fulfillment Manager Approval: Select the Workflow as PMSC_FMD1:Fulfillment Manager Approval - Default
    • Fulfillment Options: For the Fulfillment Options, select a Ticket Template with an SR class.
      Note: Make a note of the Ticket Template description, the same description will be used when you create an automation script in Creating automation script to stop instance of AMAZON EC2 provider.
  4. Go to the Specifications and Presentation tab, under the Specifications table, add attributes VM_NAME that you created in Creating attributes.
    Note: Specify the Default value for the VM_NAME attribute, for example, ICD_MQI_FREETier.
  5. Save the offering and change status to Active.
Note: The SR status used by Service Catalog are as follows:
  • APPLM – Approved by Line Manager.
  • APPFM – Approved by Fulfillment Manager
  • APPR – Completed approval process