Adding attributes using application designer

The Application designer is used to add the newly created attributes in Adding Attribute in Incident Application as fields in the incident application.

About this task

The Application Designer is an application where you can drag components to modify an application without editing any code. Follow the below steps to add the two attributes that are newly created as fields in the incident application.


  1. Go to the Application Designer application.
  2. Enter and select INCIDENT under the Application column.
  3. Click on the Incident tab on the Go To Applications row.
  4. On the Incident tab, go to the Incident Details section.
  5. Click the Control Palette action, drag Checkbox and Combobox buttons into the Incident Details section.
  6. Right-click and open the Properties window for the Checkbox button and fill the field in the Checkbox Properties as follow:
    • Label: Specify the label, for example Create Jira Ticket?
    • Attribute: Specify the name of the attribute (YORN type) that you created in Adding Attribute in Incident Application. In our example use case the name is CREATEJIRATICKET.
  7. Right-click and open the Properties window for the Combobox button and fill the field in the Checkbox Properties as follow:
    • Label: Specify the label, for example, Jira End Point
    • Attribute: Specify the name of the attribute (ALN type) that you created in Adding Attribute in Incident Application. In our example use case the name is JIRAENDPOINT.
  8. Save the configuration.