Troubleshooting IdML imports

To facilitate troubleshooting, specify the required database properties files and configure logging. The following information describes how to configure logging and troubleshoot specific issues.

Configuring properties files

The ImportIDML tool depends on Integration Composer properties that are specified in the following location: Integration Composer Home/data/properties/ The following properties are set when Integration Composer is installed, but you can modify them with a text editor:
  • Database properties that specify the database that data is imported into, including
    • mxe.db.schemaowner=
    • mxe.db.driver=
    • mxe.db.url=
    • mxe.db.user=
  • perfmon properties, including
    • // perfmon.logfrequency=5
    • // perfmon.details=FALSE // Set all thresholds in seconds
    • // perfmon.threshold.sql=10
    If you want to measure performance criteria, remove the slashes (//) from the perfmon properties.

    The log file that is generated for perfmon properties is located here: Integration Composer Home\log\perfmon.log

  • mxe.fusion.mapping.nrs.enable=true, which enables the generation of Naming Reconciliation Service (NRS) globally unique identifiers (guids) for Computer System CI types during a mapping
Log properties for the ImportIDML tool log files are found in Integration Composer Home/data/properties/ You can set the following properties:
  • log4j.logger.idml=INFO
  • log4j.logger.idml.detail=ERROR
If you specify DEBUG for log4j.logger.idml.detail=, all entry and exit points are reported. Specifying DEBUG usually yields too much data. For DEBUG, it is recommended to begin by specifying log4j.logger.idml=DEBUG and possibly log4j.logger.maximo.sql=DEBUG if you want to view the SQL statements.

Common Data Model discrepancies

The default cdmdatetimes, cdmenumerationmap, and cdmnames text files that are installed with Integration Composer are generated against a specific version of the Common Data Model. If your source environment contains metadata that matches a different Common Data Model version, the generated IdML file might contain classifications, attributes, or relationships unknown to Maximo IT or the ImportIDML tool. This can cause the ImportIDML tool to log errors and skip importing actual CIs that contain the unknown metadata.

To fix this situation, use the Maximo IT user interface to create the missing metadata and then either manually edit the appropriate cdmdatetimes, cdmenumerationmap, and cdmnames text files or use the createIDMLMetaCache tool to generate new file versions by passing it an updated CDM.xsd file.

For example, if the source database contains an attribute unknown to an existing Maximo IT classification, you can use the Maximo IT Classifications application to add the new attribute to the classification. If the new attribute contains an enumeration type value, you must update the cdmenumerationmap.txt file to specify the valid values. For a new classification, you must also update the cdmnames.txt file after you create the new classification and its attributes in Maximo IT.