Best practices for data import

To avoid problems while importing data, it is best to follow the best practices described in this topic.

To create data for import, you can export existing objects to either a flat file or an XML file and then use the exported file as a template for creating a data file to import.

You can use a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel to create your CSV file.

Save the CSV file in UTF-8 format.

Do not include more than 3000 records in a single CSV file. If you need to import more than 3000 records, use multiple files.

Previewing the import of large files is not recommended. Before importing a large file, preview the import of a smaller version of the file first.

If you recently imported data but you do not see records for the data, manually refresh the list of messages. If the import has finished and it failed for one or more records, messages for the failed records are displayed.
Note: If you imported the data using preview mode, no entries are created in the Failed Messages table, and there are no JMS messages to be reprocessed. All errors generated in preview mode are displayed in a report in a dialog box.

Check the system log file for further details about failure messages.

Best practices for importing user data

When you import data about users, you must separate records defining new users from records that update existing user records. For example, you might want to update passwords or email addresses for a group of users that are already defined. Be sure to follow these rules:
  • Put records defining new users into a separate CSV file from records updating existing users. Do not mix these two types of records in a single CSV file.
  • To import a CSV file defining new users, use the Add action. To import a CSV file containing updates to user records, use the Add/Change action.