Changing the behavior of an input field
The lookup attribute is used to specify a dialog that displays a table of possible field values. Lookups are defined in the System XML lookups.xml file. The lookup attribute with a value of "datelookup" is used to display a calendar for fields that contain a date.
In this example, the lookup="CI" value is used to display the values of table domain containing Configuration Items.
The inputmode attribute is used in custom dialogs for input fields requiring special treatment.
The inputmode attribute takes the following values:
- Mandatory field –
- Read-only field –
- Hidden field –
inputmode = "hidden"
- Password field –
The following example snippet demonstrates the use of the inputmode and lookup
<multiparttextbox dataattribute="ITEMNUM" descdataattribute="DESCRIPTION" descinputmode="readonly"
id="shcartlinedetails_sec_row1_col1_sec0_1" inputmode="readonly" label="Offering"/>
<sctextbox dataattribute="alnvalue2" id="cpCR_dial_sec1_att2" label="Current Password"
<sctextbox dataattribute="alnvalue1" id="bnsmCR_dial_sec1_att1" label="Host Name" inputmode="required"/>
<sctextbox dataattribute="alnvalue4" id="bnsmCR_dial_sec1_att5" label="Expected Release Date" lookup=
"datelookup" width="100"/>
<sctextbox dataattribute="tablevalue1" id="bnsCR_dial_sec1_att4" label="Operating System" lookup="CI"/>