Viewing assets associated with deployed software

Use the Deployed Software application to view where deployed software instances are located, relative to authorized assets. If no reconciliation has been performed successfully for the deployed computer or partition on which the deployed software has been discovered, the Authorized Asset tab will not be displayed.

About this task

This task provides details on how to view information about authorized assets for the selected deployed software. You can use the Advanced Search feature to query for deployed software on authorized assets in specific locations.

The Linked Computer Assets section displays the hierarchy of the computer where the deployed software is installed. If software is deployed on a partition on the computer, the partition and any existing parent partitions up to the computer are also displayed.

Only one computer will be displayed in the Linked Computer Assets table. The computer and partition information is only available if a reconciliation task has been run and a link found between the computer and the deployed software. If no reconciliation has been performed successfully for the deployed computer or partition on which the deployed software has been discovered, the Authorized Asset tab will not be displayed.

The fields on the Authorized Asset tab are read-only.

The steps for viewing assets associated with deployed software follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Open Menu > Assets > Deployed Assets > Deployed Software.
  2. In the Software product name field, click Enter to display a list of deployed software records, or use the filter or Advanced Search to filter the records that you want to display.
  3. Select the first record that you want to view, and then click the Authorized Asset tab to examine the record details.
    To view details for the previous or next record in your search results, click Previous Record or Next Record.
  4. On the Authorized Asset tab, view any computer and partition information associated with the currently displayed record, provided a link was found between the deployed software and an authorized computer asset.