Preparing for the integration

The following steps summarize how to use the integration adapters for TADDM to import configuration item data. Each step is described in more detail in the following sections.

About this task

steps for the integration: prepare to deploy, define data sources, create mappings, import CI types, activate CI types, import actual CI data


  1. Prepare to deploy
    1. Plan for configuration management
    2. Determine connection parameters
    3. Set the timeout value
    4. Copy the TADDM jar files.
    5. Copy the TADDM truststore file if using SSL
  2. Define the data sources
    1. Define the TADDM end of the connections
    2. Define the target end of the connections
  3. Create the mappings
    1. Create the mapping for CI type data
    2. Create the mapping for actual CI data
  4. Import your data
    1. Import the CI type data
    2. Activate CI types
    3. Import actual CI data