Import CIs without caching existing records

When you are updating configuration item information, you can choose whether your existing Actual CIs are downloaded over the network from the Maximo IT database server. This process is determined by property settings in the file.

By default, your existing Actual CIs are not downloaded, and the new discovered CIs are queried individually. For each new or updated CI that is loaded by Maximo IT, an SQL query is sent to the Maximo IT database. If a matching record is not found, the CI is inserted. If the record is found, it is downloaded, compared with the new discovered CI information, and, if required, the database is updated.

Generally, this method is the most rapid for importing information.

The following properties are found under the referencecache entries of file:


Alternatively, when new or updated CI data is loaded into the Maximo IT database, all your existing Actual CI information is downloaded for comparison. If a match is found, the Actual CI record is updated. Where no match is found, the CI data is inserted into the database as a new record.

To use this approach, you must remove the NO_CACHE_LOAD parameter from the cache property:
