Overview of data import

Before you import data for the first time, review the basic concepts about importing data.

You can enter assets, configuration items (CIs), and person users into the product by importing data in a CSV file into the Quick Configuration application. By default the assets, CIs and person users data is imported or updated using the sequential queue. They are imported one at a time in order, and will stop when an error is found. This is done because there may be dependencies on the order that the data is imported.

To create data for import, you can export existing objects to either a flat file or an XML file and then use the exported file as a template for creating a data file to import.

The overall data import process is as follows. The topics that follow provide additional information about each of these steps.
  1. Activate the JMSQSEQCONSUMER.SEQQIN cron task. This cron task executes processes that enable you to load data.
  2. Review the documentation about the structure of CSV files.
  3. Review the best practices for data import.
  4. Configure at least one organization and site.
  5. Create at least one work type for each organization you created.
  6. If you plan to import user data in a non-LDAP environment, ensure that the PASSWORDCHECK and PASSWORDINPUT database attributes are not restricted.
  7. Create a CSV file that contains the data to be entered.
  8. Preview the import using the Quick Configuration application and review and correct any errors that occur.
  9. Import the data using the Quick Configuration application.
Each of these steps is discussed more fully in the topics that follow.