Electronic audit records

To track changes that users make to data, administrators can enable electronic audits.

After electronic audits are enabled, an audit record is created each time that a user adds, deletes, or modifies the value of an attribute in an application and saves the change. The audit record is written to the audit table that corresponds to the regular database object.

The audit record includes the following items:
  • The tenant ID of the user who changed the data.
  • The username of the user who changed the data.
  • A copy of the changed data for each attribute for which electronic audit enabled.
  • The identifier that indicates whether the change was an insertion, update, or deletion.
  • The current date and time of the transaction.
  • The row stamp.
  • The unique electronic audit transaction ID.
  • The unique e-Sig transaction ID if electronic signature is enabled.
  • The key values columns for the record, even if those columns are not electronic-audit enabled. For example, the work order number is recorded even when another attribute in the WORKORDER object triggers the electronic audit.