Managing change windows
Change windows specify the time periods during which CIs can be taken out of service for
change implementation. Change windows are created in the Change Window Calendars application. You
can create a new Change Window Calendar in which to define change windows, and you can modify or
delete existing Change Window Calendars. You cannot create Change Window Calendars for
Creating change windows
Create change windows when you want to specify when CIs can be taken out of service.
Setting a schedule
Use the Set Schedule dialog to define the time periods for the change windows that you are creating. This dialog opens when you select the Schedule Change Windows action.
Managing change windows in the calendar
The Change Window Calendar displays day-by-day scheduling information for change windows. You can drill down into the cell for a day and view all of the change windows that are scheduled for that day. You can view, modify, or delete the individual change windows that are scheduled for a date.
Viewing and managing lists of change windows
You can view a tabular list of all the change windows that have been created for a Change Window Calendar. You can view a list of all merged change windows, or a list of all individual change windows in their non-merged state. When you view the individual, non-merged change windows, you can modify or delete individual change windows.
Creating custom time windows for special occasions
There are times for which you might want to create a change window that is neither daily, weekly, monthly, nor yearly. The Change Window Calendars application provides a way to create custom time windows for these special situations.
Associating CIs with change windows
You can specify one or more configuration items (CIs) that can be taken out of service during the change windows that are defined in the Change Windows Calendar that you are working with. After you associate one or more CIs and save the calendar, the change windows determine when the associated CIs are available for service.