Creating a Graphical Scheduling project

A Graphical Scheduling project is a work space in the Graphical Scheduling application where you can produce a schedule. Schedules that you create in the Graphical Scheduling application help you to optimize the resources that are used to complete tasks. After you create a schedule, you save the schedule and resume work in it at a later time. When you commit a schedule that you have produced, you bring the schedule information into the Change record.

About this task

A project can be updated or deleted only by the user who created it.

If you have launched to Graphical Scheduling from the Schedule tab of the Changes application, some of the schedule values are automatically populated.


  1. In the Graphical Scheduling application, click the Schedule tab.
  2. On the toolbar, click New Schedule icon.
  3. Specify and name and description.
  4. Populate the appropriate fields for the schedule:
    Option Description
    Public Makes this schedule available to everyone who has access to any records that the schedule contains. Only users who have the same authorization as the person who created the schedule are able to see and manage the full schedule in the Gantt view.
    Preserve Existing Records On Refresh Preserves work records in the Gantt view even after the view is refreshed. For example, records that are closed or canceled after initially being included in the Gantt view will not be deleted.
    Refresh When Opening Gantt View Refreshes the schedule data every time the Gantt view is opened.
    Preserve Schedule Start Dates Ensures that the CPM does not change the Start Date of tasks.
    Start Date If a date is entered in this field, the schedule starts on the specified date. The CPM does not schedule any work earlier than the specified date. This date also is used in cases where the work records have no target or scheduled dates. If you leave this date unspecified, the CPM starts with the current date.
  5. If you opened the Graphical Scheduling application from the open menu, in the Work Queries section, find the work records that you want to schedule. You can choose from existing queries, or create a new one. The records that populate the schedule are determined by the queries you use. Large queries can affect system performance. For more information about work queries, see "Constructing queries."
    Option Description
    Retrieve a saved work query Click Copy Query to produce a list of work queries from which to choose. Select the query you want to use.
    Create a new work query Click New Row. In the details section that appears, complete the required fields to specify the details for the work query.
  6. Click Save Schedule.

What to do next

After you create your Graphical Scheduling project, you can work with the schedule in the Gantt view.