Importing the Microsoft Office Communications Server certificate into the Maximo JVM

Use this task to import the Microsoft Office Communications Server certificate into the Maximo JVM.

Before you begin

Before you perform this task, configure a connection to Microsoft Office Communications Server.

About this task


  1. On the Maximo server, open a browser and point it to your Microsoft Office Communications Server server.
  2. Right-click and select Properties.
  3. Click Certificates and then click Install Certificates.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Select Menu > Internet Options. On the Content tab, click Certificates.
  6. Go to the Other People tab, select the certificate, and then click Export...
  7. Accept defaults and click Next.
  8. Specify a directory in which to save the certificate.
  9. Open a command prompt and type cd c:\program files\ibm\websphere\appserver\java\bin
  10. Run the command keytool -keystore "c:\program files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -import -file "c:\moccert.cer" -alias moccertificate
  11. You must supply a password. The default password used by Microsoft Office Communications Server is changeit.
  12. Close the command prompt.
  13. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console.
  14. Click Security, then SSL certificate and key management .
  15. Click the Key stores and certificates link.
  16. In the list of key stores and certificates, click CellDefaultTrustStore
  17. Click the Signer certificates link.
  18. Click Add.
  19. On the Add signer certificate panel, enter the alias and file name that you entered with the keytool command on the command line. Choose Binary DER data from the Data type drop-down list.
  20. Click OK. You should see the new certificate in the list.
  21. Click Save.