Configuring error logs for software catalog imports

For debugging software catalog imports, configure logging to produce a single log file name with sequential entries in it.

Before you begin

To configure error logs for software catalog imports, you must set the root logging folder. Before you completed the following task, check that this folder exists in the appropriate location in your installation directory.

About this task

The following steps configure error logs for software catalog imports.


  1. Click Open menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Logging.
  2. Select the Set Logging Root Folder action and specify an appropriate value for your system.
  3. In the Root Loggers table window, expand the row for the crontask root logger.
  4. In the Loggers table window, expand the row for the TloamSwkbtCronTask logger.
  5. In the Log Level field, click Select Value and specify DEBUG.
  6. In the Root Loggers table window, expand the row for the integration root logger.
  7. In the Log Level field, click Select Value and specify DEBUG.
  8. In the Root Loggers table window, expand the row for the sql root logger.
  9. In the Log Level field, click Select Value and specify INFO.
  10. Select the Apply Settings action.