Setting or changing default information on shopping carts

When you start a shopping cart, some information is filled in by default. This default information is populated from your profile, which may have been created for you, or which you created as a result of registering.

About this task

Your default information can consist of such things as your shipping information and/or credit card (PCard) details. This information can be reviewed and edited from your profile.
Note: Shipping information may appear by default on your shopping cart even if it does not appear in your profile. Unless otherwise specified, default shipping information for your site is used.


  1. Click Profile on the menu bar.
  2. From the Profile menu, select one of the following:
    • Default Information to change your default insert site
    • Personal Information to change your Ship To address or procurement card information
  3. Edit or add information in the dialog box.
  4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.


The revised default information will be used on your subsequent shopping carts.

You can revise information on each shopping cart as needed.