Creating a cart template
Service Requisition users can create a cart template for a cart when there is one or more items in the shopping cart. This is useful if you want to create a cart template for offerings that you commonly need to order.
- In the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center application, browse for offerings that you
wish to order. Fill in offering attribute values that you want to be saved with the
offering. These attribute values displays as default values later when the cart template is added to the cart.
- Click Add to Cart. This adds the item to the shopping cart and takes you to the Shopping Cart application.
- Optional: Click Continue Shopping in the Shopping Cart application to return to the Offering Catalog application and add another offering to the shopping cart.
- Review the contents of your cart.
- Click Create Template to create a template from the selected list
of items in the cart.
The Create New Template dialog presents a list of items in the cart, and the user selects from this list.
- Enter a Template Name and a description for the new cart template.
- Select the offerings you wish to include in the new cart template.
- Click OK. A message is displayed confirming that the cart template was created.
- Click OK on the message to return to the Shopping Cart application.
What to do next
Upon completion of the cart template creation, you may choose to submit the cart for processing or empty the cart and repeat these steps to create additional cart templates. You can review the contents of your cart.
A new column in the Shopping Cart application items table indicates whether the offerings added to the template are valid or not valid. Valid means that all required fields are filled in, all field-level validation scripts completed successfully, and the Add to Cart validation script completed successfully.
If the offering is valid, it shows in the cart with a green check mark icon, and if the offering is not valid, it shows in the cart with a red dash icon. A cart can not be submitted with items that are not valid.
When you click on an offering in the cart that is not valid, the offering dialog flags any required fields, and displays messages from field level scripts or Add to Cart scripts that failed so that you can resolve any issues.