CI comparison details

These rules are used when comparing a baseline to the corresponding actual CIs.

  • Empty strings are converted to null strings before comparison for both the ALNVALUE and UnitOfMeasure data types. For example, an lalhanumeric actual attribute with a null value matches an authorized attribute value whose value is an empty string.
  • If an attribute is found on a member CI, but does not exist on the corresponding actual CI, the difference is listed only if the attribute has a non-null value. In other words, if an attribute with a null value is found on a member CI, and does not exist on the corresponding actual CI, no difference is noted.
  • Attributes found on the actual CI but not present on the member CI are not listed. These attributes are assumed not to have been included in the promotion scope.
  • There might be relationships between actual CIs that are not promoted to the authorized CIs. These relationships should not appear as differences in the list of comparison results. New relationships between actual CIs can occur, however, and those new relationships should be included. The baseline activation function identifies relationships that existed at the time when the baseline version was activated, and the comparison logic lists as differences only those relationships that did not exist when the baseline version was activated.