Updating meter history

Use the Manage Meter Reading History action in the Assets application to view or to update historical meter readings.

Before you begin

Depending on your security authorization, you might be able to only view historical readings and not to update them.

About this task

When you update a meter reading, the delta (change) readings are applied to all the readings for that meter that are more recent than the date on which you make the update. If the meter is on an asset in a hierarchy, the readings for the assets in the hierarchy are also updated. If the meter is for a location that has assets set up to accept the roll down from their locations, the meters for those assets are updated.


  1. From the List tab of the Assets application, open the asset record for which you want to update the meter history.
  2. Select the Manage Meter Reading History action.
  3. In the Manage Meter History window, click the Continuous Meter Readings tab or the Characteristic and Gauge Meter Readings tab to view and update meters based on their meter types.
  4. On the Continuous Meter Readings tab, you can enter the modified reading when the Enter as Delta check box is not selected. Select the Enter as Delta check box to specify a delta for the selected meter.
  5. Specify the updated meter readings and click OK.