Reviewing asset-CI linking results for a single asset

Use a view action in the Assets application to see key information about the asset-CI linking process for a particular linked asset, including the link date, the user who initiated the linking, the linking method, and, if applicable, the link rule that was used.

About this task

Linking results are persisted in the product database and can be viewed in the Assets application, regardless of what linking method was used:
  • Linked automatically by the asset-CI reconciliation task (Reconciliation)
  • Linked manually by a user action in the UI (User Interface)
  • Linked as the result of something else; for example, a data import from the integration framework (Other)


  1. On the navigation bar, click Open Menu > Assets > Assets.
  2. Display the asset whose linking information you want to check.
  3. Select the actions View > View Asset-CI Link Details.
    (The fields on the View Asset-CI Link Details window are not editable.)
  4. Click OK to close the window.