Creating the action for the escalation for CI-to-asset link

In the Actions application, create the action that you will specify in the escalation for the CI-to-asset link.

Complete the following steps to create an action to use in the escalation for the CI-to-Asset link process.

  1. Click Open menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Actions.
  2. On the toolbar in the Actions application, click New Action.
  3. In the Action field, specify a name for the action.

    If your enterprise automatically numbers the actions, specify text that identifies the type of action in the Description field, for example, LINK_CI2ASSET_RULES.

  4. In the Object field, click Select Value and specify CI (Configuration Item Table).
  5. In the Type field, select Set Value.
  6. In the Value field, specify the following value:


    <relationship_name> is the name of the relationship that you defined in Step 3: Specifying the CI to reconciliation link relationship.

  7. In the Parameter/Attribute field, click Detail Menu and select assetnum from the Select Fields window.
  8. Click Save Action.

Now, you can create the escalation for the CI-to-asset link. When you create the escalation, use the value in the Action field for the action in the escalation.