Offering Classifications

Classifications are used in the Offerings application to categorize similar services together. Offerings that have similar sets of attributes can share the same classification.

Classifications are also used to logically group offerings in catalogs by setting the Offering Catalog Taxonomy field. This field controls the display of offerings in the Offering Catalog. The oferings classification is also used for offerings displayed in the Self Service Center.

Depending on the needs of the service designer, the classification defined in the offering can be different than the classification defined when the offering is added to the catalog (Offering Catalog Taxonomy). Unlike classifying an offering, attributes are not copied from the classification to the offering for the Offering Catalog Taxonomy.

When creating a classification for use with the Service Catalog, the following seven applications must be specified in the Use With table on the main Classifications tab in the Classifications application:
  • SR
  • WOCHANGE (for offerings that create change work orders)

Adding these applications enables the attributes defined as part of the classification and, consequently, added to the offering to be used throughout the ordering process. Additional applications can be added as needed.

Classifications should be created according to the instructions and best practices defined in the Classifications application help.