Installing Maximo Application Suite and Maximo Manage

You can now install IBM® Maximo® Application Suite and IBM Maximo Manage.

Before you begin

Attention: Installing on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform and IBM Maximo Application Suite on a single computer or locally is not supported. Any issues encountered with the installation scripts or setup process is outside of the scope of support.
Before you install Maximo Application Suite and Maximo Manage, complete these prerequisite tasks.
  1. Create a directory for the contents of the GitHub repository.
  2. Download the contents of the GitHub repository by running the following command from the directory that you created.
    git clone
    cd mas-local
  3. If you have never done so, create a registry key. To create a registry key, go to Click Container Software & Entitlement Keys, then select Add new key.
  4. Download the entitled registry key. This key must be enabled to get the Maximo Application Suite and IBM Cloud Pak® for Data images. Log in to and click Container Software & Entitlement Keys. Click Copy and save the entitlement key to a text file.
  5. Download a license.dat, which is Maximo Application Suite license file, from the license key server. For more information, see Put this file in the mas-local directory.
  6. Get a license ID that matches the Maximo Application Suite license file. You can get the license ID by opening the license file in a text editor and checking the first line. The license ID is the second-to-last number. For example, if your first line is SERVER sls-rlks-0.rlks 0272bc344002 27000 then your license ID is 0272bc344002.
  7. Replace the masocpl.yml file with the masocpl.suds.yml file by deleting masocpl.yml and then renaming masocpl.suds.yml to masocpl.yml.
  8. Customize masocpl.yml by using the information that you collected.
    1. Replace <<your ER key>> with the entitled registry key that you saved.
    2. Replace <<your license id>> with the license ID that you got from the license file license.dat.
    3. Replace the uds_contact information.

About this task

Your working directory must include the following files:
  • masdevops.yaml
  • masocpl.yml
  • license.dat
  • masinst.bat


  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Local cluster as an administrator. If you haven't collected the credentials previously, get the credentials by running the following command:
    crc start

    In the output for this command, make a note of the log-in credentials.

  2. At a command prompt, run the following commands by using the password that your environment provided:
    @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('crc oc-env') DO @call %i
    oc login -u kubeadmin -p <password> https://api.crc.testing:6443
  3. Install Maximo Application Suite and Maximo Manage by running the masinst batch file and waiting for it to finish.
    Pay attention to the log and record the user ID and password of the Maximo Application Suite superuser. You can find your username and password by checking for the following message in the log:
    Maximo Application Suite is Ready, use the superuser credentials to authenticate

    If you don't have the log anymore, you can retrieve the credentials from the masdemo-credentials-superuser secret in the mas-masdemo-core namespace.