Key microservices and dependencies to scale for Maximo Application Suite core

Important services that are needed for user login, authentication, application management, metrics, and licensing are contained in the Maximo® Application Suite core namespace.

Scale the following key microservices in the Maximo Application Suite core namespace to meet the growth in the number of concurrent IBM® Maximo Application Suite users. Increase the memory and CPU limits for the pods to scale the microservices as the number of users grow. Microservices in the MAS core namespace support podTemplates, which enable manual scaling by the administrator, but they do not support autoscaling.

  • MongoDB is used extensively by the coreidp pod, api-licensing pod, adoption usage pod, or other Maximo Application Suite and Suite License Service micro services.
  • Maximo Application Suite core namespace
    • Coreidp pods
    • Licensing-mediator pods
    • Coreapi pods

    To decrease the load on the coreapi pods, encourage users to log in directly to IBM Maximo Application Suiteso that the Suite navigator page is bypassed.

  • Suite License Service namespace
    • Api-licensing pods
  • Kubernetes apiserver pods. The coreapi pods issue Kubernetes API calls to retrieve information from Maximo Application Suite application custom resource files and config maps.