MongoDB overview
The steps to back up MongoDB depend on where your MongoDB instance is and how it is configured.
Review the mongodump
MongoDB documentation. Determine where to store the backups and how to access
the MongoDB instance.
By default, the Maximo Application Suite DevOps Ansible® Collection configures only internal Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster networking for the MongoDB instance. For more information, see Maximo Application Suite DevOps Ansible Collection.
The MongoDB instance is a replica set that includes three members. For more information, see replica set.
A replica set consists of one primary and two secondary members. Assume that backups and restores are done only to the primary member.
MongoDB instance hosted by a third party
If you are using a third-party hosted MongoDB instance, review the hosting vendor’s documentation for more information about backups.
- IBM Cloud® Databases for MongoDB. For more information, see IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB.
- MongoDB Atlas Database. For more information, see MongoDB Atlas Database
- Amazon Document DB with MongoDB compatibility. For more information, see Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility).
If your vendor does not provide backup services, your Maximo® Application Suite administrator must decide where to store backup snapshots.
MongoDB community Kubernetes operator
If you are using a MongoDB instance that is based on the MongoDB Community Kubernetes operator, your Maximo Application Suite administrator must plan and schedule back ups.
For more information, see MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator.
- For more information, see Ansible role for MongoDB.
- For more information, see MongoDB Community Kubernetes operator.