Maximo Application Suite

Maximo Application Suite application URLs

When you installed Maximo® Application Suite, you defined the following environment variables, which are used to create the application access URLs.

  • <mas_domain> - Domain that your instance of Maximo Application Suite runs under.
  • <workspace_id> - Identifier for the unique workspace in which your applications are deployed.

Each Maximo Application Suite core component has a subdomain:

  • https://admin.<mas_domain> - The Suite administration.
  • https://home.<mas_domain> - The Suite navigator.
Maximo Assist
https://<workspace_id>.assist.<mas_domain>/ - Maximo Assist application
Maximo Health and Maximo Predict

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, the applications are available at the following URL: https://<workspace_id>.manage.<mas_domain>/maximo/oslc/graphite/relengineer/index.html

If Maximo Health is not deployed as part of Maximo Manage, the applications are available at the following URL: https://<workspace_id>.health.<mas_domain>/maximo/oslc/graphite/relengineer/index.html

Maximo Monitor
  • https://<workspace_id>.monitor.<mas_domain>/ - IBM® Maximo Monitor application
IoT tool
  • https://<workspace_id>.iot.<mas_domain>/ibmssologin - IoT tool

In addition, URIs are available for special purposes as needed:

  • https://<workspace_id>.iot.<mas_domain> - IoT tool APIs
  • https://<workspace_id>.iot.<mas_domain>/docs/index.html - IoT API docs
  • https://<workspace_id>.messaging.iot.<mas_domain> - IoT tool MQTT broker
IBM Maximo Visual Inspection
https://<workspace_id>.visualinspection.<mas_domain> - Maximo Visual Inspection