Maximo Application Suite

What's new in Maximo Application Suite 9.0

Learn more about what's new and changed in IBM® Maximo® Application Suite 9.0.

Version alignment

The version for Maximo Application Suite, including all applications, industry solutions, and add-ons in Maximo Application Suite is now aligned, starting on version 9.0.

Version 9.0 is compatible with version 8.11, and you can upgrade to version 9.0 without the need to complete separate migration tasks.

Prerequisite software changes

Support for Internet Protocol version 6
Install, manage, and update Maximo Application Suite in an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) environment.
Support for MongoDB 5.0 and 6.0
MongoDB 5.0 and 6.0 are supported in Maximo Application Suite. For more information, see Update for MongoDB 5.0 and 6.0.
IBM Data Reporter Operator
As a Maximo Application Suite administrator, you configure IBM Data Reporter Operator (DRO) to collect and process metrics for licensing compliance.

The User Data Services is now deprecated. Data Reporter Operator replaces User Data Services.

Data Reporter Operator has a reduced operational footprint and cost than IBM User Data Services to help you reduce the Maximo Application Suite resource usage.

If you are an existing Maximo Application Suite user, migrate to Data Reporter Operator because it includes tools that assist with migration. If you do not migrate to Data Reporter Operator , you must manually report metrics to IBM.

For more information, see Data Reporter Operator.


Rolling back Maximo Assist
Starting in Maximo Application Suite 9.0 after you upgrade to a later version of Maximo Assist, you can roll back to a previous version by updating the version properties.

For example, you can roll back Maximo Assist from 9.0.1 to 9.0.0. However, you cannot roll back Maximo Assist from 9.0.0 to 8.11.

For more information, see Rolling back Maximo Assist.

User synchronization

Custom mapping with LDAP user synchronization

Custom mapping for user data that is synchronized between your LDAP server and the user registry is available in the user interface. By using user registry synchronization, you can specify custom map values for user and group data to synchronize with the LDAP server. Alternatively, you can use the default map values that are defined by the system.

For more information, see User and group registry mapping.

SCIM 2.0 protocol support for user and group synchronization

You can synchronize users and groups from an external identity provider (IdP) by using the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) 2.0 protocol. The SCIM specification defines a common schema for user and group resources with a protocol that defines how operations are performed on those resources. SCIM facilitates the exchange of these resources across different services.

For more information, see User synchronization with SCIM 2.0 and Configuring Maximo Application Suite to synchronize user and groups with SCIM 2.0.

User authentication

Initiated logout for the SAML service provider

When you configure SAML authentication, you can enable an initiated logout for the SAML service provider so that current user sessions are logged out before another user logs in with the same credentials.

For more information, see Configuring SAML authentication.

Support for multiple IDPs for the same authentication type
You can now configure multiple identity providers (IDPs) for the same authentication type, such as SAML or LDAP, in Maximo Application Suite for user authentication. For more information, see Configuring multiple identity providers for same authentication type.
Self-registration for user authentication
Users can self-register to create their own login accounts and use the applications that they have access to. Before users can self-register, an administrator must enable and configure access options that are associated with each identity provider that is configured.

For more information, see Self-registration for users.


Supported pods for IBM Data Dictionary and the IoT tool
You can customize the workload in the IBM Data Dictionary and the IoT tool by configuring the pods that are handled by custom resource objects.

For more information, see Supported pods for IBM Data Dictionary and Supported pods for IoT tool.

Configuring the size of public certificate resources
You can change the private key size of public certificates that are provided by Maximo Application Suite.

For more information, see Configuring the size of public certificate resources.

Db2® text search
Configure the Maximo Manage operator to support text search for Db2. When the operator starts the maxinst process, the -q parameter is used to enable text search for all columns that are flagged as searchable.

For more information, see Configuring and activating Maximo Manage.

Configuring single sign-on properties
You can change the default single sign-on (SSO) token name LTPAtoken2 to avoid conflicts with the same cookie name that is generated by other software.

For more information, see Configuring single sign-on properties.

Changing privacy access for obtaining user data
You can configure the Suite custom resource (CR) file to control whether user information is available to all users.

For more information, see Changing privacy access for obtaining user data.

Suite administration

User interface customization

As a suite administrator, you can change the appearance of the user interface to include your own logos, company branding, and custom visual styles. You can add CSS styling and globally update these changes across Maximo Application Suite.

For more information, see Updating the user interface.

Account lockout

To increase application and user security for local authentication, you can define the conditions that prevent users from logging in after consecutive unsuccessful login attempts. You can define the number of consecutive password attempts before the users account is locked. You can also choose to lock the account by duration or until an administrator unlocks the account.

For more information, see Enabling account lockout.

Anonymizing personal information
You can enable the option to anonymize personal information, such as username, emails, and display name, before you delete users. As an administrator, you can also anonymize the personal information as a global option by updating the custom resource in the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console. Then, when you delete users, this personal information is anonymized by default.

For more information, see Anonymizing user data.

Configuring guided tours

Maximo Application Suite provides in-app guidance, such as guided tours, to help users learn more about different tasks and updates in the product. You can configure the user interface to hide guided tours.

For more information, see Hiding guided tours.

User assistance

Overview of Licensing and AppPoints
Watch a video to understand Maximo Application Suite's customer-managed licensing model, and how to manage usage with AppPoints.

Applications, industry solutions, accelerators, and add-ons

Removal of MRO Inventory Optimization

Starting in Maximo Application Suite 9.0, MRO Inventory Optimization is no longer available as an externally configured application. If MRO Inventory Optimization is configured as an external launcher and you are upgrading to Maximo Application Suite 9.0, you must remove MRO Inventory Optimization before you can complete the upgrade.

To remove MRO Inventory Optimization as an external launcher, you delete the solution portal URL for MRO Inventory Optimization on the External launcher page. When the product URL is removed, users can no longer access it in the suite navigator.

For more information, see Configuring external launchers.

Removal of Watson Discovery dependency in Maximo Assist

Starting in Maximo Application Suite 9.0, Watson Discovery, which is used to support the query and diagnose functions, is no longer available as a dependency in Maximo Assist. If Maximo Assist is already deployed and activated with Watson Discovery, and you are upgrading to Maximo Application Suite 9.0, before you can complete the upgrade, you must contact IBM Support to help with the manual removal of Watson Discovery.

Removal of voice inspections in Maximo Assist

Starting in Maximo Application Suite 9.0, voice inspections are no longer available in Maximo Assist. If voice inspections are enabled and you are upgrading to Maximo Application Suite 9.0, this feature is automatically removed during the upgrade.

Removal of Search in Maximo Assist

Starting in Maximo Application Suite 9.0, the search function is no longer available in Maximo Assist. If search is enabled and you are upgrading to Maximo Application Suite 9.0, the search function is automatically removed during the upgrade.

What's new in Maximo Application Suite applications, industry solutions, and add-ons

Learn more about what’s new and changed in the following applications, industry solutions, and add-ons in Maximo Application Suite 9.0.