Restoring Maximo® Monitor namespace
You must restore four secrets in the namespace and restart four pods.
In the mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add namespace, restore the following secrets:
- datadictionary-<MAS_WORKSPACE_ID>
- The secret that contains the credentials to access the Asset Data Dictionary APIs.
- instance-admin
- The secret that contains the default admin group user ID and password that are used by the Asset Data Dictionary components.
oc apply -f ./datadictionary-{MAS_WORKSPACE_ID}.yaml
oc apply -f ./instance-admin.yaml
In the mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-monitor namespace, restore the following secrets:
- <MAS_INSTANCE_ID>-<MAS_WORKSPACE_ID>-datadictionaryworkspace-workspace-binding
- This secret contains the user ID and API key that are used to access the Asset Data Dictionary APIs.
- monitor-kitt
- This secret also contains the user ID and API key that are used to access the Asset Data Dictionary APIs.
oc apply -f ./{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-{MAS_WORKSPACE_ID}-datadictionaryworkspace-workspace-binding.yaml
oc apply -f ./monitor-kitt.yaml
After you restore the secrets, you must restart several pods for the new configuration to take
oc get pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add | grep "user-store" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc delete pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add
oc get pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add | grep "series-store" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc delete pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add
oc get pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add | grep "graph-store" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc delete pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-add
oc get pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-monitor | grep "{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc delete pod -n mas-{MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-monitor