Backing up Maximo Manage attachments

Back up the attachments in Maximo® Manage, which can include receipts, certifications, invoices, and any files that you attach to your assets, work orders, or job plans.

Before you begin

  • You need access to the Red Hat® OpenShift® command-line interface (CLI). Make sure that the oc command is in your path and that you have administrator credentials. For more information, see Getting started with Open Shift CLI.
  • You need to install the yq command-line interface, which is a lightweight and portable command-line processor for YAML, JSON, and XML. For more information, see yq Quick usage guide.

About this task

Copy the attachments from the all or ui container on the server pod to a local system. Then, archive the attachments folder from the local system to an external storage.


  1. Get the mountPath. In the ManageWorkpace custom resource (CR), go to spec.settings.deployment.persistentVolumes.
  2. Log in to your cluster.
    1. In Red Hat OpenShift, click the drop-down menu in the global navigation bar and click Copy login command.
    2. On the new page, click Display token.
    3. In the Log in with this token field, copy the login command.
      oc project <your “Manage” namespace>
  3. Get the pod name of your server $POD for the all or ui containers.
    oc get pods
  4. Back up your attachments.
    • Use the following command for an all server deployment.
      oc exec -it $POD -c all --namespace $NAMESPACE -- bash -c "tar -cz
      <targzfile> <mountPathfolder>/"
    • Use the following command for a ui server deployment.
      oc exec -it $POD -c ui --namespace $NAMESPACE -- bash -c "tar -cz
      <targzfile> <mountPathfolder>/"
  5. Copy the compressed file of attachments to your local system.
    oc cp $POD:/$TARFOLDER ./$LOCALFOLDER -c all