Monitoring installation logs

During the installation process, the ARM template that you configured is used to create a boot node. The boot node contains all of the required resources to complete the installation. To verify that the boot node is created successfully, in the Deployment section of the boot node resource group, you will see a link similar to 3 Succeeded. After clicking that link, you will see a deployment that is related to the operation you submitted from the Marketplace. Click that deployment and make sure it is completed successfully. This is only the boot node creation part. The actual Maximo® Application Suite deployment continues running in the background on the boot node.


  • Monitoring the installation logs using Azure Log Analytics
    1. In the Azure Log Analytics workspaces service, Click the workspace created in the boot node resource group.
    2. Click Logs from the side navigation in the workspace window.
    3. Close the two pop-ups that appear by default. First is for Welcome to Log Analytics, and second is for Queries.
    4. Expand the New Query 1 > Custom Logs section.
    5. Click the log table name (there would be only one), and click Run.
    6. The logs from the installation log file are shown in the table format.
      The logs do not update automatically, you will need to refresh the page to get the updated logs.
      1. You can export the logs to the .csv file to review in detail.
      2. Once you use the message of either provisioning completed (for successful deployment) or failed (for failed deployment), the deployment can be treated as complete.
      ===== PROVISIONING FAILED =====
  • Monitoring the installation logs in the boot node
    1. Connect to the boot node by using Secure Shell (SSH) access. For instructions, see Accessing the boot node and Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster.
    2. Run the following command to switch to the root user:
      sudo su -
    3. Monitor the installation log updates by running the following command:
      tail -f /root/ansible-devops/multicloud-bootstrap/root/mas-on-aws/mas-provisioning.log


Proactively check the status of the deployment. Depending on the parameters that you specified, the installation time might vary.

If the installation is unsuccessful, use the information in the Troubleshooting installation problems topic to identify and resolve the problem.