Monitoring Maximo Manage activation by using the Maximo Application Suite interface

Monitor the IBM® Maximo Manage activation in the Maximo Application Suite user interface.

About this task

You can monitor the Maximo Manage activation on the Manage Status page in the Maximo Application Suite.
Note: If you didn't log out and are following the previous step to deploy Maximo Manage, you are now in the Workspace details page. If you leave the page, you can access it again by following the steps in this task.


  1. In Maximo Application Suite, click the Administration icon to go to the Administration page, then click the Applications tile.
  2. On the Applications tab, view the progress of deployment displayed in the Status column of the Maximo Manageapplication.
  3. Select the Maximo Manage application.
  4. In the Active in workspaces section, click Go to workspace details.
  5. Review the status of each step of the Maximo Manage activation process in the tiles view.
    • View the detailed information, such as the current activation status. Status processes begin with the build in progress phase of the deployment process, which is when the Maximo Manage image is created. The ear or war files are also generated to deploy the application in the server bundle later, and the server bundle images are created.
    • When the build is completed, a green icon and a message with the build tag is displayed on the Workspace tile.
    • After some minutes, the Deployment ready tile starts to change the message that is displayed, and eventually shows the maxinst/updedb is in progress.
    • After the maxinst/updatedb process is completed, the server bundles are started, the Maximo Manage war or ear files are deployed. When this last deployment step is completed, all tiles display green icons, and all the Maximo Manage components are in the Ready status. The Maximo Manage tile also displays a green icon, and the status is active.