Disabling automatic generation of encryption keys
By default, if encryption keys are not specified when you activate Maximo® Manage with a fresh database, new encryption keys are automatically generated. If you do not want to automatically generate encryption keys, set the autoGenerateEncryptionKeys property to false.
About this task
The autoGenerateEncryptionKeys property controls whether encryption keys are automatically generated when you activate Maximo Manage with a fresh database. By default, this property is set to true, and encryption keys are automatically generated if no value is specified for them. Set the property to false if you do not want to generate keys automatically. If you set the autoGenerateEncryptionKeys property to false and you do not provide encryption keys, deployment fails. You also receive an error message that the property is set to false and encryption keys are missing.
If encryption keys are automatically generated, you can easily lose track of them, especially in development and test environments where databases are reused. If you set the autoGenerateEncryptionKeys property to false, users are forced to enter the key. You are less likely to lose keys that you generate and maintain. Securely store the encrypted keys, for example, by using a password keeper.
This property takes effect when you activate the application by using an API call. Updating the property for an already activated instance does not produce an effect until you make a change that is related to the encryption keys, such as when you delete the keys to trigger reencryption.
- In the Red Hat® OpenShift® console, from the side navigation menu, click .
- On the CustomResourcesDefinitions page, select the ManageWorkspace custom resource definition record.
- On the CustomResourceDefinition details page, on the Instances tab, select the instance for which you want to disable automatic generation of encryption keys.
- On the YAML tab for the instance, set
to false. - Save the custom resource.