IBM Maximo Health

IBM® Maximo® Health is an application in Maximo Application Suite. By using Maximo Health, you can improve your asset’s reliability by understanding asset health and taking action. You can review your assets’ performance and condition indicators, such as the last failure date and the maintenance-to-replacement ratio (MRR), and take action by creating work orders and service requests. You can use work queues to improve the quality of your asset’s details and related data. You can also configure scoring for assets’ health, criticality, and risk.

Maximo Health is available from the Suite navigator.

Access the application from the following URLs:
Table 1. Application URLs
Application URL
Maximo Manage + Health https://<workspace_id>.manage.<mas_domain>/maximo/oslc/graphite/relengineer/index.html
Maximo Health stand-alone https://<workspace_id>.health.<mas_domain>/maximo/oslc/graphite/relengineer/index.html