Setting user account status

The application administrator can change the user account status by activating or deactivating it on the User management page. You can also deactivate the user account by a specific date or after a duration of inactivity from that account. You can also change the user account status in bulk from the User management page or by importing .csv file.

About this task

To change account status of multiple user accounts from the User management page, select multiple user records from the table, and then click Activate to activate or Deactivate to deactivate. Also, you can change user account status in bulk by importing .csv file. For more information, see Importing users.
To change account status of a user account from the User management page, click the Overflow menu and then refer to the following choices to take action.


  • To activate an account, click Activate.
  • To deactivate an account, click Deactivate.
  • To deactivate an account automatically by date, click Edit, in the Account status section, set Deactivate on date to Enabled and then select a date on which the user account must be deactivated.
  • To deactivate an account automatically due to inactivity, click Edit, in the Account status section, set Deactivate after user inactivity to Enabled and then specify the number of days after which if the user does not log in, the account is deactivated.
Note: Change in user account status due to LDAP synchronization does not affect the user account's entitlement.
Trouble: If reactivation of an existing authorized or administrator user fails due to the lack of AppPoints, the LDAP synchronization shows an error. An administrator must manually update the entitlement for such user records to remove the administrator permissions or change to a concurrent user. The LDAP synchronization must be triggered again to update the manual changes in synchronized data.