Adding an API key

The API key is the authentication key that connects Maximo® Visual Inspection Edge and Maximo Visual Inspection.

About this task

When you first log in to Maximo Visual Inspection Edge, a setup wizard guides you to the API key page. If you skip this step and do not add an API key when you first log in, you can:
  • Complete this procedure at any time
  • Add an API key from your user profile. For more information, see Managing your profile.


  1. Copy the API key in Maximo Visual Inspection as follows:
    1. From the side navigation menu, click Services and then click API key.
    2. Click Generate API key and then click the Copy icon.
  2. In Maximo Visual Inspection Edge, from the side navigation menu, click Settings.
  3. In the API key field, enter the authentication key and then click Save and Finish.