Configuring email subject lines and body text

In addition to specifying an email address for sending messages about electronic signature resets, administrators can also configure the subject line and body text of the email message that they send.

About this task

Two messages are added to the signature message group in the Database Configuration application for email messages:
  • esigresetbody: Use this message to provide the text for the body of your email message.
  • esigresetsubj: Use this message to provide a subject line for your email message.

Adding text for the body of the electronic signature email message


  1. In the Database Configuration application, from the More Actions menu, select Messages.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. In the Message Key column in Messages table, search for esigresetbody and expand the row.
  4. In the Value field for the message, enter text for the body of the email message, as shown in the following example.
    Enclosed is your new Maximo Esig key {0}. To log in and change your key, follow this link:
    Note: When entering text, ensure that you do not change or delete the variables or brackets. The electronic signature key will be supplied for variable {0}. The host name of your environment will be supplied for variable {1}.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the More Actions menu, click Apply Configuration Changes.

Adding text for the subject of the electronic signature email message


  1. In the Database Configuration application, from the More Actions menu, select Messages.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. In the Message Key column in Messages table, search for esigresetsubj and expand the row.
  4. In the Value field for the message, enter text for the subject line of the email message.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the More Actions menu, click Apply Configuration Changes.

What to do next

After you complete the messages for the subject and body text, from the More Actions menu, select Manage Admin Mode and refresh the database.