Data dictionary tables

The structure of a relational database is stored in the data dictionary tables of the database.

The following table describes the product data dictionary tables.

Table 1. Tables in the product data dictionary
Table name Contents
MAXOBJECT All objects. Links an object to its table or view.
MAXTABLE All tables.
MAXVIEW All views.
MAXATTRIBUTE All attributes of an object. A table or view attribute depends on the attributes of the object.
MAXVIEWCOLUMN All view columns.
MAXRELATIONSHIP All relationships defined on objects.
MAXSEQUENCE All sequences used in the system. SQL Server, Oracle, and Db2® use database sequence generators.
MAXSYSINDEXES All indexes in the system.

This table contains the index name, uniqueness and storage partition that is used in the MAXSYSKEYS table.

MAXSYSKEYS The columns in an index.