Configuring the appearance of Linear object symbols in maps

Customize how linear features appear in the map to quickly identify traits for the feature. For example, you can color-code multiple segments to group them in a collection.

About this task

You configure the appearance of features in a map by using a JSON editor. The JSON editor can be used either in code view mode or a hierarchical tree view mode. Use the code view mode to create and modify JSON information through a code editor with code formatting assistance. In the tree view, you can browse the object hierarchy, search, rearrange existing object elements by dragging them, or create new objects and attributes.


  1. Open a Map Manager record and then select the Map Symbology tab.
  2. Use the JSON editor to configure the appearance of linear objects that appear in the linearSymbologies section.
    The help option provides object configuration assistance by defining objects and attributes that can be used in the JSON editor.
  3. Click Update to validate and save your changes.
    Updates are saved to the MAPSYMBOLOGYCONFIG column of the MapManager table in the database. You can restore the default symbol appearance by clicking Restore .
  4. Open a Maximo® record that includes linear data and then select the Map tab to verify that your changes were applied.