Basic searches
You search for a single record or for a set of records by using the search toolbar. You can also save your queries.
Searching for single records
You must know the exact record ID to search using the Find field. Entering a partial record ID does not return any results. For example, to search for a work order, enter the exact work order number in the Find field and press enter.Filtering tables
The table filter is a row of editable fields at the beginning of the table. If the filter is not visible, click the Filter icon. You can filter one or all of the columns in a table and then press Enter to see the results of your search.Saving queries
If you frequently perform the same searches, you can save time by creating saved queries. You can also define a default saved query to display every time you open an application. Saved and default queries are specific to each application. For example, a query created in Work Order Tracking is not available in Quick Reporting, unless you also create and save it in Quick Reporting.The Save
Query menu lists saved query options:
- Save Current Query
- Click to name and save your query so that you can reuse it at a later time.
- View/Manage Queries
- Click to view and manage your saved queries for your current application.