Preventive maintenance alerts

A preventive maintenance (PM) alert is a list of almost-due PM records. It indicates that a preventive maintenance work order is about to become due for an asset or a location.

If the following criteria are met, the system displays the PM Alert window:

  • The PM alert functionality was enabled in the PM Options window in the Organizations application. This includes indicating a work order status at which PM alerts are enabled.
  • The corrective maintenance work order reaches the status defined in the Organizations application.
The frequency criteria for the PM are defined as follows:
Table 1. Frequency criteria for PMs
For: a PM alert is generated if:
time-based PMs the Next Due Date minus the Alert Lead is less than or equal to the system date.
meter-based PMs on an asset: the Next Meter Reading minus the Meter Reading, minus the Alert Lead is less than or equal to zero.
meter-based PMs on a location: the Next Meter Reading minus the Meter Reading, minus the Alert Lead is less than or equal to zero.