Scenario: Creating a dynamic job plan for linear assets

Dynamic job plans are especially useful when you create work for linear assets, such as rail track maintenance, where the labor and materials that are needed for work vary based on the length of the track.

Before you begin

The simulation test for this scenario requires a linear asset, such as a rail track or a pipeline. You can use an existing linear asset, or you can create one for the test. For more information, see the documentation for IBM® Maximo® Linear Asset Manager.

About this task

The following scenario explains how to create a dynamic job plan that you can apply to work orders for track maintenance. The job plan uses a proportional calculation to determine the amount of labor and materials that are needed to repair sections of track. The proportional method calculates duration or resource requirements in direct proportion to the scope of the work. For this scenario, the unit of work for the calculation is 1 mile. When this job plan is applied to a work order, it calculates labor and materials for the work order based on the number of units of work that the work order requires. For example, if the work order specifies that 40 miles of track need to be repaired, the job plan calculates the amount of labor and materials that is needed to repair 40 miles of track.


  1. In the Job Plans application, complete the following steps to create a dynamic job plan:
    1. Create a new job plan.
    2. Select Is dynamic.
    3. In the Dynamic Job Plan Information section, select MILES for the work unit and specify a multiplier of 1.
    4. Select PROPORTIONAL for the calculation method.
  2. In the Job Plan Tasks section of the job plan, enter a repair task.
  3. On the Labor subtab, click New Row and complete the following fields:
    Option Description
    Task Select the repair task that you created.
    Type Select HOURS.
    Calculation Select PROPORTIONAL.
    Hours Enter the amount of time that is needed to complete the task for each work unit.
  4. Enter a labor, craft, crew, or crew type for the labor record.
  5. On the Materials subtab, click New Row and complete the following fields:
    Option Description
    Task Select the repair task that you created.
    Item Select the item that is required for the task.
    Item Quantity Select the number of items that are needed for each work unit.
    Calculation Select PROPORTIONAL.
  6. Save the job plan.
  7. To test the job plan, from the More Actions menu, select Simulate Dynamic Job Plan and complete the following steps.
    1. In Asset field in the Dynamic Job Plan Simulation window, select a linear asset.
    2. Enter a start and end measure, or accept the default start and end measure boundaries for the asset.
    3. Click Simulate.
    4. Check that the Total Work Units field displays the expected value.


If the simulation shows that the job plan can calculate the work accurately, you can activate the job plan and apply it to work orders.