Communication templates for e-mail listeners
To generate standardized e-mail notifications, the E-mail Listeners application uses communication templates to generate notifications that are sent to users and administrators. The types of notifications include confirmations, validation or processing errors, and system errors.
When the E-mail Listeners application successfully processes an incoming e-mail message, a confirmation notification is generated.
The following table lists the templates that are used for confirmation notifications.
Templates | Confirmation situation | Recipients |
LSNRBPCBSR | Confirms the creation of a service request based on an incoming free-form e-mail message. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPCHST | Confirms the status change of records based on an incoming e-mail message. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPQRY | Response e-mail message containing details of query results from an incoming e-mail message. | Sender of original query e-mail message. |
LSNRBPUBSR | Confirms the update of a service request based on an incoming free-form e-mail message. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPUOBJ | Confirms the update of a specified object based on an incoming e-mail message. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPCOBJ | Confirms the creation of a specified object based on an incoming e-mail message. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
A validation or processing error notification is generated when the E-mail Listeners application cannot process an incoming e-mail message. This error could be because of incorrect formatting or incomplete or invalid information in the incoming e-mail message. You must review the error in the log file or in the e-mail to resolve the error.
The following table lists the templates that are used for the validation or processing of error notifications.
Template used for validation or processing error notification | Error situation | Corrective action | Recipients |
LSNRAUTH | Validation error notification The sender does not have authorization to perform the operation specified in the incoming e-mail message. |
Authorize the user for the specified application. | Sender of original e-mail message and system administrator. |
LSNRBPAUTO | Processing error notification The e-mail listener cannot create an auto key for an attribute that was declared as auto key in the incoming e-mail message. |
Verify that the attribute is declared as an auto key. If the attribute is declared as an auto key, check the logs. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPDATE | Validation error notification The sender did not specify a properly formatted date or date time value for an attribute that was specified in the incoming e-mail message. |
Provide a valid formatted date. | Sender of original e-mail message and system administrator. |
LSNRBPINV | Processing error notification The sender specified an update operation for an existing record in the incoming e-mail, message, but the record does not exist. |
Provide a valid record. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPUACN | Processing error notification The sender specified an invalid action in the incoming e-mail message. |
Provide a valid action. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRBPUNOB | Processing error notification The sender specified an object in the incoming e-mail message that the E-mail Listeners application does not support. |
Provide a valid object name. There are only 3 valid objects for create and update action: service requests, problems, and incidents. |
Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRFNKEY | Processing error notification The sender did not provide all of the primary keys for a record that was specified in the incoming e-mail message. |
Provide input for the mandatory key fields. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRFNREQ | Processing error notification The sender did not provide all of the required attributes for a record that the sender specified in the incoming e-mail message. |
Provide input for all mandatory fields. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRINVM | Validation error notification The incoming e-mail message contains a blank subject line or a subject line that exceeds the allowed length (this error occurs only in free-form e-mail messages). |
Enter a subject or reduce the length of the subject. | Sender of original e-mail message. |
LSNRNOPER | Validation error notification The sender of the incoming e-mail message does not have a corresponding person record. |
Sender of the e-mail must be defined as a person. | Sender of original e-mail message and system administrator. |
LSNRSECAPP | Validation error notification The sender of the incoming e-mail message does not have the requisite authorizations to perform the operation on the object specified in the e-mail message. |
Provide the authorizations needed for the object in the Security Settings window of the E-mail Listener application. | Sender of original e-mail message and system administrator. |
LSNRWFMT | Processing error notification The incoming e-mail message has invalid formatted content. |
Format the content of the e-mail correctly. | Sender of original e-mail message and system administrator. |
If a system error occurs when the E-mail Listeners application polls or processes an incoming e-mail message, a system error notification is generated.
The following table lists the templates that are used for system error notifications.
Templates used for system error notifications | Error situation | Recipients |
LSNRBPEX | Processing the incoming e-mail message. | System administrator. To ensure that the sender of the original email also receives the error notification, set the mxe.lsnr.notifyusererror property to 1. |
LSNRBPQERR | Placing information about an incoming e-mail message into JMS queue. | System administrator |
LSNRCFGERR | Using the listener configuration to connect to an e-mail account. | System administrator |
LSNRCONNF | Connecting to the mail server to access the configured e-mail account. | System administrator |
LSNRERROR | Processing the incoming e-mail message. | Depending on the error, sender of the original e-mail message or system administrator. |
LSNRINBF | Staging the contents of the incoming e-mail message in the internal staging table. | System administrator |
LSNRJMSCF | Connecting to the configured JMS queue because the queue connection factory information for the queue is incorrect. | System administrator |
LSNRJMSF | Connecting to the configured JMS queue. | System administrator |
LSNRJMS | Connecting to the configured JMS queue because the queue information is incorrect. | System administrator |
LSNRJMMSSYN | Connecting to the configured JMS queue, and further processing of e-mail message is performed without the JMS queue. | System administrator |
LSNRMAILER | Retrieving e-mail message from the configured e-mail account. | System administrator |