Maximo Manage
The IBM® Maximo® Manage applications
are grouped into modules. You can access the modules from the Go
To menu in the Navigation toolbar of the user interface.
Administration module
You use the applications in the Administration module for system administration tasks. You can perform functions such as creating communication templates and setting up organizations.
Analytics module
You use the applications in the Analytics module to view scheduled reports and KPIs to analyze and understand information about the lifecycle and the maintenance of your assets.
Assets module
The Assets module contains applications that are designed to manage the assets that are owned or leased by your company from purchase to salvage, from the beginning to the end of the life cycle for an asset.
Building Information Models (BIM) module
You use the applications in the Building Information Models (BIM) module to import building model data in Construction-Operations Building information exchange (COBie) format and then manage and view building models in 3D. You can inspect assets and locations of the building, create work orders and service requests, and search for and create systems from the model.
Contracts module
You use the applications in the Contracts module to manage contracts for labor rates, purchases, leases, warranties, and software. You can create different types of contracts and define the rules that govern each type of contract.
Financial module
You use the applications in the Financial module to define and manage currency codes, exchange rates, general ledger accounts and resource codes. You can also track project management costs.
Integration module
The Integration module contains a set of applications that help you to integrate the system with your enterprise applications. You also can create business flows between the system and your other enterprise applications.
Inventory module
You use the applications in the Inventory module to manage your inventory of spare parts. You can maximize the availability of items for upcoming work tasks, and also reduce excess inventory balances and related carrying costs.
IT Infrastructure module
The IT Infrastructure module (configuration process manager) applications enable management of the configuration items in your IT environment. They provide a logical model of the IT infrastructure by helping you to identify, control, maintain, and verify the versions of all configuration items in the environment and their attributes and relationships.
Planning module
You use the applications in the Planning module to plan how work should be performed, such as creating job plans that outline the steps that must be performed for each type of job.
Preventive Maintenance module
You use the applications in the Preventive Maintenance module to manage the work performed on a regular schedule to keep assets running efficiently. The applications can help you to plan and budget for regular maintenance work by planning the labor, material, service, and tool needs of your regularly scheduled maintenance and inspection work orders.
Purchasing module
You use the applications in the Purchasing module to manage the purchasing process, including obtaining requests for quotations (RFQs), purchasing the materials and services, and then receiving and invoicing them. The applications also help you to maintain information about the companies from which you purchase, and to integrate legal terms and conditions into the purchasing process.
Release module
You use the Activities and Tasks application to plan, review, and manage activities and tasks. When you create an activity, you initiate the work process and create a historical record of the work being performed.
Security module
You use the applications in the Security module to implement and manage security for users and groups.
Self Service module
Self-Service users (with proper permissions) can register themselves in the system and use the applications in the Self-Service modules (Desktop Requisitions and Service Requests) to create records without the assistance of an administrator or a service desk agent.
Service Desk module
You use the applications in the Service Desk module to manage customer requests for help, information, and services.
Service Level module
You use the Service Level module to create and manage service level agreements which document the commitments between service providers and customers. You can also create a service group for each type of service that you provide or procure.
System Configuration module
The System Configuration module contains the Platform Configuration module and the Migration module .
Task Management module
The Task Management module contains the Activities and Tasks application, which you use to plan, review, and manage activities and tasks. When you create an activity, you initiate the work process and create a historical record of work being performed.
Work Orders module
You use the Work Orders module to track the work that has been performed in the past, and future work that is being planned.